Monday, July 01, 2013
Friday, May 10, 2013
Oleo de Argan - Oleo Vegetal
O que e Argan?
Oleo Argan e produzido da arvore Argan (Argania spinosa L.), originaria de Marroco, motivo pelo qual tambem e conhecido como moroccan oil. Altamente nutritivo, tem propriedades inumeras cosmeticas e medicinais.
Oleo de Argan para a pele trata rugas, manchas senis, acne, pele seca, pele madura, estrias, psoriase, pes rachados e assaduras de bebes.
Oleo Argane tambem pode ser usado no cabelo, extremamente emoliente e hidratante trata o cabelo e couro cabeludo seco.
Moroccan Argan e naturalmente rico em antioxidantes, oleos graxos essencias, carotenoides, acido ferulico, esterois, polifenois, vitamina E e esqualeno. Juntos estes elementos curam a pele, reduzem inflamacoes e tratam os radicais livres.
Como usar: para alivio de vermelhidao, coceira da pele, inflamacao da pele, cabelo ou unhas simplesmente aplicar puro na area.
Oleo Essencial de Citronela
Oleo Essencial de Basilicao, Basil Oleo
Oleo Essencial de Basil tem varias propriedades, dentre elas:
- Antibactericida
- Anti-infeccioso
- Anti-inflammatorio
- Antioxidante
- Antiespasmodico
- Antiviral
- Diuretico
- Estimulante dos nervos
- Edificante
Seus maiores beneficios sao para os sistema cardiovascular, muscular e esqueletico do corpo.
Como usar o Oleo Essencial de Basilicao:
- em um difusor de ar ou inalado diretamente
- aplicado diretamente a pele (depois de diluido em oleo carreador)
- o uso interno foi reconhecido como seguro pelo FDA (Organizacao Americana), #21CFR182.20, como suplemento. Adicione uma gota diluida em uma colher de sopa de mel ou um copo de liquido (exceto sucos acidicos e leite).
Precaucoes e Cuidados"
Nao deve ser dado via oral para criancas menores de seis anos de idade e deve ser diluido ainda mais para criancas acima de 6 anos.
Nao deve ser usado durante a gravidez.
Nao deve ser usado por epileticos.
Pode causar sensitividade na pele.
Tuesday, November 08, 2011
Oleo de Cartamo - Oleo Vegetal
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Kids are too funny
Best of all? He posted his drawing to our fridge, lol!
Monday, April 05, 2010
Friday, April 02, 2010
Mysterious Disappearance
Keys disappear, clothes disappear, shoes, purses, you name it. Even those items that we carefully place at super special places so that they do not get misplaced. They are also disappearing.
If I had lived in my parent's time I would have gone to a thesaurus, the Idiot's Father, as people say in my country, to try to figure out what is going on. But in these modern days I turned on my computer and googled for an answer.
It took me hours of research but I have finally figured out what is going on: Gnomes! Seriously! They are tiny creatures with long, pointy ears, aka: goblin, brownie, kobold, leprechaun and Heinzelmännchen.
You don't believe me? Well, they have proven their existence to me and if you doubt it I invite you to come to my place and see it.
I have even found out some interesting facts about this creatures that I should add to Wikipedia.
This morning I put some bread on the toaster and went to my bedroom to get my robe. As soon as I heard the toast popping noise I went back to the kitchen just to find out that my toasts were already gone.
Frustrated, I looked for the bread to make more toasts, but, yeah, also gone. This creatures really seem to like bread and they leave a huge mess of crumbs all over the place!
I also fear that they will soon learn how to drive as I've just found out that my driver's license has also disappeared. Can you imagine my problem if I start getting tickets and have to prove to the cops that it was not me?
Oh, by the way, I've read about some fairies that will help you find your stuff if you just hop 3 times on one leg. But I can guarantee you that those do not exist as I have hoped at least 3,000 times on each of my now very sore legs and nothing has come back.
by: Priscilla Amaral Realtor, Mortgage Broker, multitasking mom of 2 amazing little kids.Thursday, April 01, 2010
Living with messy hair
so I decided to enjoy life more intensely ...
The world is crazy, definitely crazy ...
What is tasty is fattening. What is beautiful is expensive.
The sun that lights your face also causes wrinkles.
And what in this life is really good, ruffles and tousles ...
- Making love, tousles.
- Laughter, tousles.
- Traveling, flying, running, entering the sea, tousles.
- Taking your clothes off, tousles.
- Kissing the beloved, tousles.
- Playing, tousles.
- Singing until feeling breathless, tousles.
- Dancing till you doubt whether it was good idea to put those giant heels that night, will leave your hair beyond recognition ...
So, as always, every time we meet
I'll have messy hair ...
but be assured that I will be going through the happiest moment of my life.
It is the law of life, the most disheveled woman will be the one who decides to take a ride in the first roller coaster
At times I will be tempted to be an impeccable woman,
all dressed up inside and out,
The ads on the yellow pages require good appearance:
Straighten your hair, put, get, run, lose weight,
eat healthy stuff, walk right, get serious ...
and perhaps I should follow the instructions, but
when will they give me the order to be happy?
Maybe they did not realize that to look pretty
I have to feel beautiful ...
The most beautiful person I can be!
The only thing that really matters is that when I look in the mirror
I see the woman I should be.
So my recommendation to all women:
Give yourself, eat tasty things, kiss, hug,
dance, fall in love, relax, travel, hop,
sleep late, wake up early, run,
Fly, Sing, dress yourself to feel beautiful and comfortable,
Admire the scenery, enjoy everything,
and above all, let life tousle your hair!!
(unknown author)
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Living la vida loca
Desde que a filhotinha se adicionou a equacao anterior a vida ficou ainda mais louca, eu imaginava que as coisas seriam mais dificeis, e por isso mesmo comecei a dizer no dia que engravidei que tinha comprado meu cartao VIP para o Pineu (nome de um hospital para doidinhos ligeiramente mais doidinhos do que eu).
Quando encomendei o primeiro filho minha irma me disse que eu era louca, ateh aih tudo bem, depois de ler Leo Buscaglia eu sei que nao hah nada errado em ser 'maluquinha', como eu mesma gosto de dizer. Ateh aih eu era doida, mas nao era varrida.
Agora com a filhotinha + o filhote que constantemente fica dodoi aqui neste clima 'maravilhoso' de 'VanCHuver' tenho que adaptar a minha frase: agora sou doida e tb varrida, rssss.
PS: Congrats to Ricky Martin, who sings "living la vida loca", which I used as title for this post, he finally got out of the closet. Nothing better than to be true to yourself!
Jah vi outros brasileiros fazendo farofa de biscoito tipo cracker e tb jah vi outros usando aqueles pacotinhos de 'bread cumbs' que vc compra em qualquer Safeway da vida.
Bem, para mim nao rola nem um nem outro, nao consigo comprar um pacote de biscoito somente para usar como farinha; e eu nao gosto do bread crumbs, vai ver eu tenha um paladar ligeiramente mais apurado, entao vai aqui o meu segredinho...
Toda vez que vc encontrar pao velho na sua casa guarde-o, toda vez que o biscoito cracker dos pequenos ficar mole (stale) guarde tb. Depois que vc juntar um tantinho mete tudo no liquidificador e voalah: a melhor farinha de farofa do mundo!!!!
A mesma farinha pode ser usada para fazer, o que aqui em casa eu chamo de 'special chicken' (quem tem filho super picky me entenderah), galinha a milaneza.
Qualquer dia eu posto a minha receita de biscoito de nata - sem nata, rssss.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Oleo Essencial de Eucalipto
Como calmante mental pode-se pingar 3 a 5 gotas de oleo de eucalipto em uma bola de algodao e inalar o aroma.
My Specialty Shop
People go to specialty shops looking for their something special, some shop for hemp clothes and items, others shop for specialty food, which in my case is found at any bakery or grocery shop that has a sweet/dessert area.
Now let me tell you about My Specialty Shop. It will have all of the following items:
* Time: a simple item, but I still have not found it for sale, perhaps I should look at a "Simple Shop". Some women might tell you that they wish they could have a couple of extra hours a day to clean the house, but that is not me! I simply want a couple of extra hours to sleep! Yes, that simple!
* Special Markers: the kind that has amazing, bright colors, so that when my boy decides to paint my walls, furniture or windows we will both be happy, he will be happy with his amazing colorful drawings, and I will be even happier with the amazing ability of the even more awesome markers of disappearing within a couple of minutes.
* Whatever Button: if you have ever been to Staples, or even watched their TV commercials, you know that they sell the EASY button. It is not the same one that I need. I lack the Whatever Button, the one that I can press every time someone bugs me off, that way I can ignore the buggers and again save some precious time. Another use for it would be in case I can't find the Special Markers. By the way, I have asked a Staples employee and they do NOT carry it there.
* A Buzz Off Spray: for all those previous bad relationships. It would have saved me so many sleepless nights, I might not even be in need today of the first item.
* Special Toe Waves: also easily explainable. Have you ever seen women who have their second toes slightly longer than their big, first toes? I am one of those and according to the common knowledge God gives those toes to women who will HAVE to boss their hubbies around. Obviously, not every husband (if any) likes to be bossed around and the poor wives have NO FAULT for being bossy either, GOD is the one to blame! So, to avoid any useless waste of time in discussions between husbands and wives (that could be easily used for sleep instead) we, women of longer 2nd toes, need also to be able to buy Special Toe Waves, which will send signals to the hubbies and tell them to simply do whatever we tell them to.
* A Fat Chip: you must have heard of localized fat, right? Well, I have what I call badly localized fat. Anyone knows that a petite woman can handle some fat in her thighs or her derriere - that men tend to call meat to grab. More importantly, anyone also knows that NO woman can handle ANY fat in their tummies. But, unfortunately, fat does not seem to know that, so what we need is A Fat Chip that once installed in our bodies would tell all those thoughtless, mindless, badly localized fat cells to go find themselves a better place to stay. If that is not available we could try to use the Buzz Off Spray or the Whatever Button.
* I am going to explain this one a bit better before I mention the item... I have a theory that hair is actually born in our feet, hold on, it will make sense. Hair is male, yep, it is, just look at other languages such as Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, etc, the word hair always comes preceded by a male article, so hair MUST be male. Hair start their journey on our feet (I did tell you before that they ARE born in our feet) and have to make it all the way up to the top of our heads. But it is such a long way, that sometimes it loses its drive and decides to grow its roots in our legs and arms. Which item do I need to solve this problem? Simple! Free hair porn! What else would give more drive to those silly male hairs than free porn?
Well, if you do find My Specialty Shop, PLEASE DO LET ME KNOW.
Sincerely thankful,
Carioca in Canada
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Oleo Andiroba - Oleo Vegetal
O Oleo de Andiroba e bem conhecido no Brasil e usado para curar muitas condicoes cutaneas e como repelente natural de insetos.
No Brasil o Oleo Andiroba tambem e vendido em lojas e farmacias recomendado para pessoas com cancer para sarar orgaos internos.
O Oleo Natural Andiroba pode ser aplicado varias vezes ao dia nos casos de dores musculares e de juntas, picadas de insetos, ulceracoes da pele, cortes, psoriase, furunculos e machucados.
Andiroba Propriedades e Andiroba Beneficios:
Pode ser usado sozinho ou combinado com outros oleos para uma massagem anti-inflamatoria, promove a circulacao e alivia dor e inchaco. Tambem maravilhoso para uma massagem a oleo nos casos de artrite.
Pode ser usado em gatos e cachorros para picaduras de acariase.
Ajuda a retardar a aparencia de manchas de idade na pele.
escrever foto a direita semente uva
A temperatura tem variado de 9 a 20 graus, mas na maioria dos dias esta proximo dos 9 graus mesmo!
Se voce esta vindo para essas bandas nao se esqueca de trazer uma roupinha mais quentinha pra nao ficar com frio.
Sera que eu mencionei que tem chovido pacas? Nao eh a toa que a brasileirada chama esta cidade de Vanchuver.
Oleo Rosa Mosqueta - Oleo Vegetal
Oleo de Rosa Mosqueta e extraido das sementes e frutos da roseira chamada Rosa Canina ou Rosa Majalis.
Para que serve o Oleo Rosa Mosqueta?
Reduz a aparencia de linhas finas, pe-de-galinha, rugas, flacidez da pele e cicatrizes.
Propriedades do Oleo de Rosa Mosqueta:
Possui retinol (Vitamina A), Vitamina C e Acidos Graxos essenciais, combinados estes nutrientes fazem do Oleo Essencial de Rosa Mosqueta um produto maravilhoso para o cuidado da pele.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
O que sao Oleos Carreadores
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
European Commission - Silly
As part of the negotiations, the British Government conceded that English spelling had some room for improvement and has accepted a 5- year phase-in plan that would become known as "Euro-English".
In the first year, "s" will replace the soft "c". Sertainly, this will make the sivil servants jump with joy.. The hard "c" will be dropped in favour of "k". This should klear up konfusion, and keyboards kan have one less letter.
There will be growing publik enthusiasm in the sekond year when the troublesome "ph" will be replaced with "f". This will make words like fotograf 20% shorter. n the 3rd year, publik akseptanse of the new spelling kan be expekted to reach the stage where more komplikated changes are possible.
Governments will enkourage the removal of double letters which have always ben a deterent to akurate speling. Also, al wil agre that the horibl mes of the silent "e" in the languag is disgrasful and it should go away.
By the 4th yer peple wil be reseptiv to steps such as replasing "th" with "z" and "w" with "v". During ze fifz yer, ze unesesary "o" kan be dropd from vords kontaining "ou" and after ziz fifz yer, ve vil hav a reil sensi bl riten styl.
Zer vil be no mor trubl or difikultis and evrivun vil find it ezi tu understand ech oza. Ze drem of a united urop vil finali kum tru. Und efter ze fifz yer, ve vil al be speking German like zey vunted in ze forst plas. If zis mad you smil, pleas pas on to oza pepl.
Definitely NOT true, but it is pretty funny!
Friday, April 21, 2006
O que sao Oleos Essenciais
Ao contrario do que se imagina, oleos essenciais, na verdade, nao sao muito oleosos e grossos. A maioria e transparente, sendo que oleos como patchouli, laranja e lemongrass sao de cores amarelos ou ambar.
Oleos essenciais contem a essencia verdadeira da planta da qual derivou, sendo as propriedades derivadas delas. Sao extremamente concentrados e um pouquinho faz muito.
Favor nao confundir com perfumes ou oleos fragrantes.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
I Think, Therefore I Can Not Sleep and The Cure for Insomnia
As I flicked channels on my TV last night a CNN Special about an amazing new discovery caught my attention.
After millions and millions of dollars spent and many hours of intensive research trying to figure out some sort of chemical combination that would bring the sleep back to sleepless people the Cure for Insomnia has finally been found.
Surprisingly the Cure for Insomnia was not found by any of those pharmaceutical labs, it was actually found by a woman in Canada (women do kick butts!).
Even more surprising is that the woman was NOT trying to find the Cure for Insomnia and she does NOT even have a chemical or pharmaceutical background.
Her discovery is much better than any pill, capsule or even suppository could be, as it is covered by all health plans available. Contrary to many new pharmaceutical advancements that are only partially covered, if covered.
Also contrary to some of the previous advancements it does not work for a specific amount of time, such as 4, 6 or 8 hours. It does not need a second dose after the initial dose. All you need is ONE.
Unfortunately, the Cure is not readily available on the market, it will take some good nine months after you place your order to actually get it.
Her discovery is guaranteed to cure any type of insomnia, even chronic cases.
The cure, my friends, is to have kids!
Side Effects: may cause addiction and costs quite a bit of money, not necessarily right away, but long term.
Monday, April 10, 2006
Oleo de Abacate serve para que? - Oleo Vegetal
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Oleo de Neem - Oleo Vegetal
Oleo vegetal originario da India, Oleo Neem e muito utilizado pelas medicinas Ayurvedica e Unani no tratamento de aflicoes variadas, especialmente para doencas de pele.
Tradicionalmente usado para tratamento da acne, urticaria, eczema, erisipela. E tambem antiseptico, emenagogo, inseticida, antielmintico, diuretico, parasaticida, antipiretico, anti-inflamatorio, estimulante do sistema imunologico, analgesico, antibactericida.
Usos terapeuticos do Oleo de Neem:
Uso externo na pele para disordens respiratorias, constipacao, tonico geral, reumatismo, herpes labial, verrugas, pe-de-atleta, eczema, tinhas, psoriase, queimaduras infeccionadas, infeccoes e ulceracoes na pele de dificil recuperacao.
Tambem pode ser aplicado para tratar lendias e piolho de cabelo.
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Adaptacoes Culinarias
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Getting Off My But
Started reading self-help books again (something that I have not done in over 5 years). I am glad to say that after just a week I feel much better, much happier.
During my search I am finding that my love for holistic, natural and alternative medicine research is growing larger and larger and I am more accepting of being just who I am with all my virtues and 'defects'.
If you'd like to read an amazing book that is really going to make a difference in your life check out: "GET OFF YOUR BUTS", by Sean Stephenson.
'Talk' to you soon,
Life is performance art, and the ultimate performance is to play yourself. Paul Kaye
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Oleo Essencial de Lavanda
Se eu nao tivesse oleo algum e nao soubesse qual oleo usar ou comprar eu compraria um oleo essencial de lavanda! E voce vai descobrir porque agora:
Oleo de Lavanda tem um odor maravilhoso e e tambem calmante. E um dos oleos mais poderosos no mundo das plantas. Oferece ajuda para problemas fisicos e emocionais.
Lavanda atua em queimaduras, dores de cabeca, enxaqueca, insonia, picadas de mosquitos, problemas de pele, infeccoes, stress e tensao nervosa.
Oleo Essencial de Lavanda tambem ajuda com dores musculares, acne, cortes e machucados, dores de ouvido, eczema, fatiga, febre, palpitacoes, dores menstruais, sarna, sinusite, queimaduras de sol e ansiedade.
Definitivamente um dos meus favoritos!
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Cuidados relacionados ao Uso de Oleos Essenciais
- Oleos essenciais sao extremamente concentrados e NAO DEVEM ser usados puros.
- Oleos essenciais NAO PODEM ser ingeridos via oral.
- O uso de Oleos Essenciais nao substitui o conselho medico.
- Oleos essencias devem ser armazenados em vasilhames de vidro escuro, para previnir que a luz diminua sua potencia.
- Alguns oleos nao devem ser usados em criancas ou e por mulheres gravidas.
- Alguns oleos essenciais causam fotosensitividade e nao devem ser usados antes da exposicao ao sol.
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Oleo Melaleuca - Tea Tree Oleo Essencial
O Oleo Melaleuca ou Tea Tree Oleo Essencial e destilado da planta australiana Melaleuca alternifolia. E geralmente transparente ou de cor dourado palido e tem um odor fresco, tipo da canfora.
E eficaz contra bacteria, fungos e virus e tambem estimula o sistema imunologico.
Exemplos de usos do oleo essencial de Melaleuca ou Tea Tree
1. Pode ser usado para tratar pe-de-atleta, eczema e varias infeccoes causadas por fungos.
2. Pode ser adicionado ao xampu para destruir lendias, tratar o couro cabeludo seco ou com caspa.
3. Antiseptico para cortes e queimaduras.
4. Ajuda o sistema imulogico (gripes, resfriados).
5. Adicionado a um vaporizador ajuda a congestao do peito e infeccoes das vias respiratorias.
6. Trata acne.
7. Adicionado ao banho pode ajudar com odores corporais.
O que sao Oleos Essenciais
Oleo essencial e o liquido que e destilado das folhas, flores, caules, cascas, raizes e outros elementos de uma planta.
Ao contrario do que se imagina, oleos essenciais, na verdade, nao sao muito oleosos e grossos. A maioria e transparente, sendo que oleos como patchouli, laranja e lemongrass sao de cores amarelos ou ambar.
Oleos essenciais contem a essencia verdadeira da planta da qual derivou. Sao extremamente concentrados e um pouquinho faz muito efeito.
Favor nao confundir com perfumes ou oleos fragrantes.
Animal Love
I just wanted to joke, and I might have caught you on this one, come on, admit it =)
Last November after hearing that my cat back home had died I just decided that I had to get another one. And I drove my “hubby” (not officially) nuts, until I found one.
Apparently cats don’t breed in the cold months so it was kind of hard to find it. So two weeks later I brought home our “baby”, a small orange tabby, named her Lea (for lioness) and had no idea of what I was about to experience.
“Hubby” started to have allergies, not just allergies, but BAD allergies. So bad that by the end of the week he wanted to return her. I just couldn’t bare the idea of returning my baby, don’t get me wrong, but she is my baby, a bit hairy I’d say, but still my baby!!!!
Tears dropped enough to fill an ocean and the baby stayed. She is no doubt the best cat I could have ever found. Never misses her litter box. Sleeps all night long. And whenever we’re home she will cuddle in between us to get her attention from both of us. (the picture of baby was taken the day she adopted us in Nov/05)
Thursday, November 03, 2005
O que e Aromaterapia
Confesso que da primeira vez que ouvi falar em aromaterapia pensei que fosse apenas o uso de bons cheirinhos pela casa a fora.
Fiquei surpresa em descobrir que na verdade aromaterapia e uma forma de saude alternativa (medicina alternativa, medicina natural, terapia alternativa).
Aromaterapia e o uso terapeutico de oleos derivados de plantas para promover o bem estar fisico e psicologico.
Os oleos sao comumente chamados: oleos essenciais.
Muitas vezes usada em combinacao com massagem e outras tecnicas terapeuticas como parte de um tratamento holistico.